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Achieve a peaceful night’s sleep and improve your oral health

Snoring is a common condition, caused by the vibration of soft tissues in your throat due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. It affects around 35% of adults, and can cause issues for sufferers and their partners, including sleep disturbance, stress, lack of energy, poor concentration and mood swings. Luckily, we can help. At Braden Dental Care, we are the only certified Somnowell provider in Belfast, giving you a solution to your snoring.


Why have a Somnowell device?

  • Improve your sleep quality and that of your partner
  • Tackle the problem at the cause for a long term solution
  • Prevent health issues from developing or worsening
  • Custom-made, comfortable, simple and effective
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How does the Somnowell device work?

The Somnowell anti-snoring device is designed to gently hold the lower jaw and tongue in the correct position while you sleep, keeping your airway open. It is made from Chrome Cobalt alloy, making it a lot less bulky than plastic anti-snoring devices. The Somnowell is the most comfortable, hygienic and slimline device available, making it easy to wear every night as you sleep.

The Somnowell device is designed to be a lifetime solution to your snoring and lasts indefinitely. It is resistant to the bacteria commonly found in acrylic and plastic and won’t suffer from wear and tear. All you need to do is maintain good oral health and take care of your Somnowell device, and it will continue to help you reduce your snoring and improve your quality of life.

How do I look after my Somnowell device?

You need to look after your Somnowell device effectively to ensure it remains a successful solution to help relieve your snoring. Rinse it before inserting into your mouth and after you take it out, and make sure you keep it in a suitable hard container during the day to avoid loss or damage.

Is the Somnowell device easy to put in and take out of the mouth?

The Somnowell anti-snoring device is slimline and comfortable, and very easy to put in and take out of your mouth. It is custom-made to fit you perfectly. When you first receive it, we will show you how to use it accurately, and after a few days it will become second nature.

Can I use a Somnowell device during pregnancy?

Yes, there is no evidence to suggest that being pregnant affects the use of the Somnowell device.

Is Somnowell recommended for use?

The Somnowell anti-snoring device is recommended by a number of dental and medical professionals, including general dentists, orthodontists and ENT specialists. It is also recommended for use by the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association.

Getting in touch

Whether you’re a new or existing patient, our warm and friendly team would love to hear from you, answer questions & give advice.